Age: 14 1/2 years
Avatars: 295 – 300
Trophies: 40 – 45
Notable Pets:
Pet Name: xxxx### +/- x | Total HSD: 1016 (HP: 579 | Att: 317 | Def: 120 | Level: 23) – Color: Glowing, Species: Chomby. Is UC? No
Pet Name: Xxxxxx | Total HSD: 28 (HP: 10 | Att: 1 | Def: 8 | Level: 10) – Color: Water, Species: Buzz. Is UC? No
Pet Name: Xxxxxxx +/- x | Total HSD: 60 (HP: 20 | Att: 24 | Def: 16 | Level: 9) – Color: Halloween, Species: Jetsam. Is UC? No
Pet Name: xxxxxxxxxxxx +/- x | Total HSD: 31 (HP: 10 | Att: 12 | Def: 9 | Level: 4) – Color: Royalboy, Species: Yurble. Is UC? No
Neopoints: 27,392 (On hand, Bank, Shop Till, Stocks)
NP Items: 101 Fruit Salad Recipes x1, AC IV Terror Mountain Team Poster x1, Aim! x1, Bearclops x1, Blank Sorcerers Scroll x1, Colourful Spring Petpet Garland x1, Elegant Lutari Wig x1, Faerieland Cloud Background x1, Faerieland Team Beanie x1, Glowing Spell Runes Foreground x1, Handmade Commander Flint Plushie x1, Handmade Duchess Plushie x1, Handmade Lanie & Lillie Plushie Set x1, Handmade Master Thief Kanrik Plushie x1, Handmade Professor Lambert Plushie x1, Handmade Rasala the Bright Plushie x1, Haunted Weapon Silhouette Background x1, Heavy Robe of Thievery x1, How to Survive x1, Ixi Commentator Plushie x1, Jungle Foliage Face Paint x1, Magical Spring Vine Wings x1, Negg Power – Delicious Alternative Energy x1, Neggjama Bottoms x1, Neovian Potion x1, Not Enough Sleep Wig x1, Paper Yooyuball Lantern Garland x1, Pirate Cutlass x1, Plushie Petpet Paint Brush x1, Ready, Recycled Metal Projects x1, Secret Laboratory Map x1, Set, Set of Altador Cup Neocola Cans x1, Shoppe of Neggs Background x1, Slushie Slinger Background x1, Spellseeker Wizard Beard x1, Spooky Forest Path Background x12, Sweet and Sour Negg x1, The Popularity Book x1, Tyrannian Cliffs Background x1, Tyrannian Concert Hall Background x1, Underwater Shipwreck Background x1, Unique Pond Rocks Foreground x1, Vernax x1, Vintage Krawk Island Alt Cup Jersey x1, Vintage Virtupets Jersey x1, Warrior Wig x1, Wheel of Misfortune Silhouette Background x1
NC Items: Altador Cup Floor x1, Altador Cup Signature Hoodie x1, Altador Cup VIP Pass Lanyard x1, Balloon Sculpture Hat x1, Big Candle Pillars x1, Bigsby Shadingtons Hat x1, Black and White Fancy Dress x1, Blue Festive Balloons Goodie Bag x1, Bobbling Ornament Headband x1, Bouncing Tennis Ball x1, Christmas tree lot background x1, Circle of Balloons x1, Classic Beauty Mark x1, Colourful Pom-poms x1, Constellation Sword x1, Cumulus Wings x1, Cupcake Crown x1, Delicate Cobweb Wings x1, Elegant Ball Mask x1, Enchanting Boat Ride Background x1, End of Battle Background x1, Fancy Plush Bathrobe x1, Flower Parasol x1, Flower Star Wand x1, Ghost Melton Goodie Bag x1, Giant Candy Cane Foreground x1, Giant Gift Boxes x1, Girly Mechanical Wings x1, Golden Genie Lamp x1, Gothic Vine Face Paint x1, Grey Faerie Wings x1, Haunted House Hat x1, Heart Balloon Arch x1, Heart Forehead Tattoo x1, Hero of Neopia Background x1, Hero of Neopia Mask x1, Holiday frame x1, Homemade Lavender Faerie Wings x1, Ice Rink Background x1, Inconspicuous Foliage x2, Jeweled Tiara Shower x1, Jowlard Goodie Bag x1, Lemonade Stand Table x1, Lifeguard Flipflops x1, Lucky Uni Shoe Necklace x1, Maraqua Team Foam Finger x1, Maraqua Team Hat x1, Maraqua Team Sport Shirt x1, Mechanical Wings x1, Merry Balloon Gift Foreground x1, NC Mall Third Birthday Pinata x1, Orange Warlock Wig x1, Patchwork Cargo Shorts x1, Peppermint Goodie Bag x1, Pikis Valentine Goodie Bag x1, Pointy Claw Slippers x1, Pretty Sleep Mask x1, Purple Paisley Skirt x1, Rainy Day Cloud x1, Second NC Mall Sixth Birthday Goodie Bag x1, Shenkuu Warrior Princess Shirt x1, Shenkuu Warrior Princess Skirt x1, Side Ponytail Green Wig x1, Snowman Nesting Dolls x1, Space Bounty Hunter Helmet x1, Space Trooper Helmet x1, Spinning Neopian Globe Staff x1, Spooky Halloween Shower x1, Stained Glass Floor Lamp x1, Tyrannian Wings x1, Vine Wings x1, Wings of Flame x2, Wings of Water x2, Yooyu Floating Bubble Shower x1, Yooyu Slippers x1
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