25.0Mil Items, Item Pack (Instant Delivery)


In stock

Total Avatars: 176

Total Neopoints: 0


Color Type Name Format Level HP Attack Defense Total HSD
Pirate Krawk Xxxxxxx_Xxxxxxx 26 57 50 56 163
Tyrannian Poogle xxxxxxxxxx 6 15 9 10 34
Darigan Draik Xxxxxxx 12 12 14 12 38
Tyrannian Hissi Xxxxxx 9 17 14 6 37

Neopoint Items

Camouflage Paint Brush


Camouflage Paint Brush

3,000,000 NP

Illusen Halloween Surprise Toy


Illusen Halloween Surprise Toy

2,000,000 NP

Island Lutari Morphing Potion


Island Lutari Morphing Potion

20,000,000 NP

Total Item Value: 25,000,000 NP

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